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Merida, Main square Plaza Grande

merida, yucatan. plaza grande. merida tour

The starting point to know Merida is the Plaza Mayor. For over three centuries, the Plaza Grande, as it is called by local people of the region, is the heart from which develops the political, ecclesiastical and civil authorities of the city.
Silent witness of history that has been written about it, major events were carried on this site such as the execution of indigenous leader Jacinto Canek and struggles of the Federalists, to mention a few.

In 1871, Plaza Grande received a small enlargement. The four lines of urban transport (trams) started from this point. Between 1886 and 1889 it was built a two story kiosk for musicians in the middle. In 1915 the square section was restored and the signs of the political regime were removed. It got the first octagonal central platform, binary seats were installed and shrubs were planted. In 1959 it was installed a new light system.

The Independence Plaza is a spacious garden bypassed by two rows of stout and old laurels, to provide pedestrian of a nice shade during the day, and an atmosphere of freshness and delight in the evenings and nights for visitors as well.

In this neighborhood of adjacent street it is observed the movement and trafficking of any modern city.

Merida, Palacio del gobernador

Merida, Ayuntamiento

Merida, Casa de Montejo

Merida, Plaza Grande