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Merida Cathedral

catedral de merida, yucatan

The Cathedral was built 19 years after Merida was founded in 1561. By appointment of King Philip II, from Spain, the Cathedral was dedicated to honor San Ildefonso, archbishop of Toledo. It is the first cathedral built mainland in America.
The Cathedral architectural style is Moorish in the towers, and in the interior and the façade is Renaissance. It has Baroque altarpieces in some of its walls. Its sober façade has a half point arch; the main door holds an inscription, which states “The Door of Forgiveness”, and on the outside there’s sculptures of St. Peter and St. Paul. The machinery of the large clock was made in London (1731), and was in service until 1871.



On the inside, there are three aisles with coffered vaults and Gothic tracery in a large space; the Chapel of the Christ of the Blisters (1656), baptistery and chapel of the Tabernacle (1904), the sacristy and chapel of San Jose (1610), and the Chapel of Rosario (1610). On the main altar stands an image known as the Christ of the Unity, hand carved on birch wood, by Spanish sculptor Ramon Madrid Lapayese River, which measures 7.65 meters in height.


It is located on 60 street by 61, in the heart of the Historic Center.