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House of Montejo

merida, yucatan. merida tour

It was built between 1543 and 1549 by Francisco de Montejo y Leon “El Mozo” by appointment of his father, in order to provide a home for the Spanish conquerors.



The main façade, which has not been altered, is considered the most valuable jewel of the art and civil plateresque architecture of the nation. The hand carved stone, stands out for the delicate original gures of personages and mythological characters. On top of the central balcony, stands the heraldic coat of arms of the Conqueror’s family. The technical study reveals that the lower part of the porch is European handmade, and the upper section, of a more recent native performance.



For many years this site has been owned by a well- known banking institution that has invested on its maintenance, and currently operates as part of the Montejo House, a Museum opened in 2010.


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This building is located on street 63 between 60 and 62 on the Historic Center, across from the main square.