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Yucatecan Cuisine

11 yucatecan dishes that you must try. You will love them

The Yucatecan cuisine has many dishes, very particulars and representatives from the region, who tries any of them, can be sure, he never going to have anything like that in his entire life. The flavor, the smell, the simple fact to watch the people cooking  one of these dishes is a pleasure. We want to…

13 things to do in Yucatan

We want to let you know 13 things which you can do in Yucatan. You will enjoy all of them, you will love Yucatan, their culture, places, people, food and history. 1.- Take a relaxing walk in Paseo de Montejo   2.- Take a tour in a horse carriage   3.- Visit the…

Things we don’t care about in Yucatan

Once you move to Yucatan, you’ll forget about many things, like:

Yucatecan Delicacies

Fragrant and tangy, Yucatecan cuisine delights the palate with flavors unique to the region. The distinct regional cuisine of Yucatan state incorporates many of the ingredients traditionally used in Mayan cooking including corn, chocolate, wild turkey, squash, chiles, and tomatoes, with European ingredients such as pork and oranges from the Spanish and Edam cheese from…