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13 things to do in Yucatan

We want to let you know 13 things which you can do in Yucatan. You will enjoy all of them, you will love Yucatan, their culture, places, people, food and history. 1.- Take a relaxing walk in Paseo de Montejo   2.- Take a tour in a horse carriage   3.- Visit the…


  1.- San Felipe Beach Near the picturesque village of San Felipe, its beautiful wooden houses and its peaceful environment, is one of the most beautiful beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula. 2.- Nah Yah Cenote In Yucatan there are thousands of cenotes, most unexplored and all with their own beauty that make you fall…

Uxmal, Yucatan

A majestic layout, spectacular jungle setting, and pink-hued limestone pyramids and temples make Uxmal one of the most picturesque ancient cities in the Puuc region. The name Puuc translates to hills in Yucatec Maya, and the Uxmal ruins are situated on hilly terrain. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Uxmal was one of the most important…

Chichén Itzá

Chichén Itzá es un vestigio de la cultura Maya y uno de los principales sitios arqueológicos prehispánicos. Se localiza al oriente del estado de Yucatán. En el sitio maya más conocido como Chichén Itzá, donde uno no se puede perder la pirámide principal de “El Castillo”. Este último tiene una característica muy notable. Es…

9 aventuras al aire libre que debes de vivir en tu visita a Yucatán

En el post Aventura en Yucatán te dimos una serie de actividades llenas de adrenalina que no debes de perderte en tu visita a Yucatán, ahora te traemos 9 aventuras al aire libre que son imprescindibles en este bello Estado. 1.- Baño Maya Adiós a esos costosos spas y tratamientos de belleza. La naturaleza de este…

Izamal Magic Town

Izamal is the first city in Mexico to be named a “Magic town” in 2001; it is a beautiful colonial city that was founded in the mid-16th Century on the remains of an ancient Mayan city. The majestic Convent of San Antonio de Padua located here was founded in 1549, built over the Mayan structure known…