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Its inspiration is the woman as worthy of veneration; beauty seen in some cases as a hazy and unattainable dream … Yucatecan Trova sings the fortunate or unfortunate but ever-present love.
This tradition began in Cuba, serenades and singing style single duet or trio with guitar accompaniment at the time were fashionable in different countries of Latin America, especially ours … but in Yucatan evolved as a popular art.
The song is one of the most authentic manifestations of Yucatan soul … its beautiful chords, the meticulous care of his lyrics and sentiment and devotion with which it is interpreted and listened, it speak of the love on this land for music and the respect we have for its creators.
The history of Yucatecan Trova started in the last third of the nineteenth century with Cyril Baqueiro Preve, Chan Cyl (1848-1910), violinist and inspired troubadour; who is recognized as the father of the Yucatecan Song. Trova subsequently reaches maturity and full identity (as well as national and international recognition) in the first decades of the twentieth century and starts the “Golden Age” of the hand of the legendary Ricardo Palmerín (1887-1944), Pepe Dominguez (1900 -1950) and Guty Cardenas (1905-1932) … their songs are stirring up us almost a century away.
Luis Rosado Vega (1873-1958), Ermilo Register Lopez (1898-1978), Ricardo Lopez Mendez (1903-1989) as well as other greats of his time gave life to beautiful songs and paved the way for the next generation, with names like Pastor Cervera (1915-2001) and Armando Manzanero, who could not be missed to be mentioned in an account of the great Yucatecan composers.
Yucatecan Trova is considered a true national treasure, fruit of the literary and musical culture that flourished in Merida between 1900 and 1940 It is delight and culture, is an excuse to let out emotions and enjoy the things that are really worthwhile in life, It is the material that is made the Yucatan soul of and anyone who visits us can understand immediately because in the end… Who has not been in love?